Hands Up Mallee
Annual Reporting 2021-2022

Below are a collection of documents, resources and videos which form Annual Reporting for Hands Up Mallee for 2021-2022

Please click on the relevant image or link to access the file.

Stronger places, stronger people
progress mapping and learning circle 2022

The reports in this section link to the following Stronger Places Stronger People (SPSP)
Reporting Framework Key Questions:
1A. How are the foundations for change being laid?
1B. How are enabling conditions being created and evolved?


Action and Support Plan
Reflective Report

Progress Mapping Report, May 2022

Learning Circle Report, May 2022

Action and Support Plan 2022-2023

Please note this file has been corrected as of 18.10.2022 if you have saved a previous version please delete and download/view the amended version now linked

HUM measurement, evaluation and learning (mel) framework

The reports in this section link to the following (SPSP) Reporting Framework Key Questions:
1A. How are the foundations for change being laid?
1B. How are enabling conditions being created and evolved?
4. What systemic changes are you seeing within your community?
5. What systemic changes are you seeing beyond your community?


Measurement, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Framework Summary

Measurement, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Framework
Full Version

Measurement, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Toolkit

HUM Blog: Measuring Change, Engaging community in developing MEL

How we are building the over-arching MEL

Nested MEL framework

The reports in this section link to the following (SPSP) Reporting Framework Key Questions:
1A. How are the foundations for change being laid?
1B. How are enabling conditions being created and evolved?
4. What systemic changes are you seeing within your community?
5. What systemic changes are you seeing beyond your community?


How we are building the Nested 0-8 MEL Framework

HUM Blog: The place of Mini-MELs in a Measurement, Evaluation and Learning Strategy

Centre for Community Child Health Webinar: Community Listening

covid-19 active outreach testing and vaccination data

The reports in this section link to the following (SPSP) Reporting Framework Key Questions:

1A. How are the foundations for change being laid?
1B. How are enabling conditions being created and evolved?
2. What are the early instances of impact of your initiative?
3. Has your initiative contributed to any cumulative impacts?
4. What systemic changes are you seeing within your community?
5. What systemic changes are you seeing beyond your community?


COVID-19 Active Outreach Testing and Vaccination Evaluation and Learning Report

HUM Video: Working Together, we can do it
Active Outreach Testing and Vaccination partnership story

HUM Blog: Having an impact, Place-based collaboration in the time of COVID-19

red cliffs connected project

The reports in this section link to the following (SPSP) Reporting Framework Key Questions:
1A. How are the foundations for change being laid?
1B. How are enabling conditions being created and evolved?
2. What are the early instances of impact of your initiative?
3. Has your initiative contributed to any cumulative impacts?
4. What systemic changes are you seeing within your community?
5. What systemic changes are you seeing beyond your community?


Rich Home Learning Environment Project Evaluation Report

HUM Blog: Connected Co-design, Listening to community for change

Paul Ramsay Foundation, Peer-to-peer funding projects video
HUM Presentation: Catherine Thompson begins at 106:19 and runs to 110:00

fun in the park pilot

The reports in this section link to the following (SPSP) Reporting Framework Key Questions:
1A. How are the foundations for change being laid?
1B. How are enabling conditions being created and evolved?
2. What are the early instances of impact of your initiative?
3. Has your initiative contributed to any cumulative impacts?
4. What systemic changes are you seeing within your community?

Fun in the Park Pilot Evaluation Report


homebase hoops

The reports in this section link to the following (SPSP) Reporting Framework Key Questions:
1A. How are the foundations for change being laid?
1B. How are enabling conditions being created and evolved?
2. What are the early instances of impact of your initiative?
3. Has your initiative contributed to any cumulative impacts?
4. What systemic changes are you seeing within your community?

HomeBase Hoops Mid-term Dashboard


storytelling for systems change

The reports in this section link to the following (SPSP) Reporting Framework Key Questions:
5. What systemic changes are you seeing beyond your community?


Storytelling for Systems Change:
Insights from the field

Australian Quarterly:
Places, Systems and Stories - The role of storytelling in place-based initiatives

stronger places stronger people annual reporting framework

The report in this section is the (SPSP) Reporting Framework and contains the Key Questions


Stronger Places, Stronger People Annual Reporting Framework