

HUM Initiative Progress

  • This retrospective evaluation report summarises the activities and outcomes of Hands Up Mallee during its first five years of foundation building from Year Zero June 2015 until July 2020. The Hands Up Mallee Backbone team has conducted it with support from Clear Horizon.

    Read the evaluation here

  • Hands Up Mallee is required annually by the Department of Social Services Stronger Places Stronger People to conduct an independently facilitated assessment of how we are growing our way of working as a collective impact initiative for place-based change.

    Read the reflection report here

  • In August 2022, the SPSP National Leadership Group (NLG) and Backbone Team captured early evidence of the impact of a community-led approach to disrupting disadvantage. The examples are from communities involved in the Stronger Places, Stronger People (SPSP) initiative and provide clear signals that the objective of improved wellbeing for children and their families in these communities is being met.

    Read the report here


Progress Mapping & Learning Circle

  • In August 2023 HUM commissioned Clear Horizon to conduct an independent assessment of how HUM is growing its ways of working as a collective impact initiative for place-based systems change. This assessment takes the form of a Progress Mapping exercise, which is aimed at collecting information about things that have happened over the past year to determine:

    • what progress HUM has made to its ways of working since last year,

    • opportunities for HUM to grow the enablers for change

    Read the 2023 report here

  • On 11th May 2022, Hands Up Mallee (HUM) convened a Learning Circle to discuss the findings of the Progress Mapping Report compiled by the Centre for Public Impact (CPI). The findings of this would form the basis of the 2022/23 Action and Support Plan which focuses on the tangible actions to support the enablers of collective impact practice.

    The progress mapping report was the result of six sessions with the stakeholders of HUM: government leaders from the federal, state and local government, local agencies and partners and community members. The report was shared with all Learning Circle participants ahead of the meeting. This ensured that discussions and the subsequent plan that would be based on the findings from the Learning Circle, was grounded in insights from stakeholders.

    The Learning Circle was structured around three challenges identified by the HUM backbone team from the Progress Mapping report.

    Read the 2022 report here


HUM Pilots, Projects and Partnerships

  • Hands Up Mallee led a co-design project from March to September of 2022, with local youth, families and youth service providers to consult with the Red Cliffs community to identify key priorities, challenges and opportunities that support positive outcomes for youth development.

    Learn more about the pilot here

  • Hands Up Mallee and partners delivered The Fun in the Park pilot between March and May 2022. Which identified an opportunity for this pilot based on the success and learnings from the local COVID-19 Active Outreach vaccination and testing program undertaken in late 2021.

    The Fun in the Park pilot involved running a series of free, family and child-friendly events in neighbourhood parks in Mildura. The pilot aimed to reach local children and families living close to three small community parks, Buxton Sobee Park, Hornsey Park and Flamingo Park.

    Learn more about the pilot here

  • Since mid-2019, a late-night basketball program has been tested and trialed through three iterations, delivered and supported by a collaboration of local youth services, and facilitated by Hands Up Mallee. Pandemic driven lock-downs interrupted the program for two years. But, because of its promising beginnings and the early outcomes achieved HomeBase Hoops resumed in 2022.

    The need for the late-night basketball program was identified and advocated for by local youth, during Hands Up Mallee's Project Y. The basketball program was proposed as a preventative measure to address some of the complex social issues experienced by young people living in the Mildura Community.

    Read the evaluation here

  • In 2021 Hands Up Mallee began a prototyping phase which involved working with families of children under 8 years, to understand what is needed to create a rich environment of learning in the home and in the community, supporting children’s development and help them be ready for school.

    One of the key ideas emerging from this co-design process was to hold a series of free, fun events where children could play with peers, and families could connect with others in their community.

    In 2022 Hands Up Mallee partnered with families who developed the idea for this piloting phase of Red Cliffs Connected and held a series of four events in public spaces in Red Cliffs.

    Learn more about the pilot here

  • Home Base Safe Lounge, a safe space for Mildura young people and children to go to on weekends. Was a concept developed by a group of driven young people motivated and committed to supporting youth in our local community; and three organisations (Sunraysia Community Health Services, Cultivator and the Hands Up Mallee backbone team) who had the courage and vision to support them.

    The idea came out of the “Hands Up Mallee Project Y” workshop with local youth in early 2018. The workshop extended on the information already gathered around local youth issues as part of the Hands Up Mallee community conversations.

    The trial was undertaken at the end of 2018, at Sunraysia Mallee Ethnic Communities Council(SMECC). The trial ran for 7 weeks commencing on the 9th of November 2018, and was delivered by the Home Base Admin team and Sunraysia Community Health Services (SCHS).

    Learn more about the pilot here

  • In 2017 the Partnership established a Governance Group. The group consists of a Health Promotion Officer / Breakfast Program Coordinator and representatives from various Education Partners. Representatives come from both the private and public education sector and include people who hold leadership roles at their respective services.

    The aim of the Partnership is to:

    • provide every child in our region with a nutritious start to the day

    • assist in reducing food insecurity

    • provide local children with an equal opportunity to excel academically, emotionally and socially

    • provide the program with no cost to local children or families

    • relieve the burden on school budgets and provide all education settings equal opportunity to host a breakfast program

    Read the evaluation report here


External Evaluations and Reports on HUM work

  • This evaluation report reviews the COVID-19 Active Outreach Testing & Vaccination Response (AOCTVR) and collaboration between October and December 2021 in the Mildura Local Government Area (LGA).

    It reports on the outcomes and lessons from the AOCTVR, based on an evaluation with core AOCTVR collaborators and community members who received AOCTVR support.

    The findings contain rich reflections on what worked, what could be improved, and shines a light on some of the challenges and significant achievements of the AOCTVR.

    Outreach partner learnings and recommendations for what to take forward to inform future emergency planning are also provided.

    Read the report here

  • This evaluation report is the final component of an evaluation undertaken by Clear Horizon of the Rich Home Learning Environment project in Red Cliffs, Mildura. The project was implemented by Hands Up Mallee (HUM) and ran from February to December 2021.

    Read the evaluation report here

  • The evaluation and learning report reviews the COVID-19 Emergency Relief Response (CERR) and collaboration during March – December 2020 in the Mildura Local Government Area (LGA).

    It reports on the outcomes and lessons from CERR, based on an evaluation with core CERR collaborators.

    The findings contain rich reflections on what worked, what could have been improved, and shines a light on some of the challenges and significant achievements of the CERR.

    Delivery partner learnings and recommendations for what to take forward to inform future scenario and emergency planning are provided.

    Read the report here



  • Hands Up Mallee's data indicator workshops were held with local services, families and Aboriginal community during August and September 2024. The purpose was to help identify the priorities for our community and then develop a set of indicators to track over a long period of time. The indicator output document will be developed by the end of 2024.


    List of Data Indicators
