Annual Reporting 2023/24

Below is a collection of documents, resources and videos that form the Annual Reporting for Hands Up Mallee for 2023/24. It shows the links to the SPSP Reporting Framework Key Questions.



Progress Mapping and Learning Circle 2023


The reports in this section link to the following SPSP Reporting Framework Key Questions:
1A. How are the foundations for change being laid?
1B. How are enabling conditions being created and evolved?

  • Hands Up Mallee is required annually by the Department of Social Services Stronger Places Stronger People to conduct an independently facilitated assessment of how we are growing our way of working as a collective impact initiative for place-based change.

    Read the reflection report here

  • In August 2023 HUM commissioned an external consultant to conduct an independent assessment of how HUM is growing its ways of working as a collective impact initiative for place-based systems change. This assessment takes the form of a Progress Mapping exercise, which is aimed at collecting information about things that have happened over the past year to determine:

    • what progress HUM has made to its ways of working since last year,

    • opportunities for HUM to grow the enablers for change.

    Read the 2023 report here

  • The Learning Circle Report discusses the findings from the 2023 Progress Mapping. The findings of this forms the basis of the 2024 Action and Support Plan.

    Read the report here

  • The Action and Support Plan is an overview of the key agreed actions that are the outcomes of the 2023 Hands Up Mallee Progress Mapping and Learning Circle process.

    Read the plan here


Measurement, Evaluation and Learning (MEL)


The reports in this section link to the following SPSP Reporting Framework Key Questions:
1A. How are the foundations for change being laid?
1B. How are enabling conditions being created and evolved?
4. What systemic changes are you seeing within your community?
5. What systemic changes are you seeing beyond your community?


Engagement and Action


The reports in this section link to the following SPSP Reporting Framework Key Questions:
1A. How are the foundations for change being laid?
1B. How are enabling conditions being created and evolved?
4. What systemic changes are you seeing within your community?
5. What systemic changes are you seeing beyond your community?

  • Hands Up Mallee supported the development and establishment of HomeBase Hoops program and partnership model in 2019. As part of the transition of HomeBase Hoops to Sunraysia Community Health Services as the lead agency, Hands Up Mallee developed the MEL plan.

    Read the learning plan here.

  • In 2023 Health Justice Australia’s research identified the opportunity for legal help to contribute to holistic service approaches that better support families to address underlying health, legal and social problems that give rise to child protection notifications.

    Informed by this knowledge and with the support of the Menzies Foundation, Health Justice Australia has been developing a partnership with Hands Up Mallee to investigate how legal help can contribute to improving early support for families in that community. Through collective efforts to surface the key barriers, opportunities and levers for change at the local level, this work aims to improve outcomes for families in Mildura.

    Read the summary here.

  • In 2021, Hands Up Mallee began an ideation and prototyping phase of ‘The Red Cliffs Project’ with Red Cliffs families of children under 8 years old. The aim of this project was to understand what is needed to create a rich environment of learning in the home and the community in order to support children’s development and help them be ready for school.

    The pilot phase was named Red Cliffs Connected and carried out a series of four events in public spaces in Red Cliffs during 2022.

    Read the report here.

  • In the 2023/24 summer holidays the free pool access pilot for young people under 18 years in Red Cliffs was extended for a further year, and a new trial of this was approved for Merbein. Hands Up Mallee and partners supported the Merbein trial with a co-design approach with young people to design and conduct events to activate the pool environment and encourage people under 18 years to make the best of the free access.

    Read the report here.




The reports in this section link to the following SPSP Reporting Framework Key Questions:
1A. How are the foundations for change being laid?




The reports in this section link to the following SPSP Reporting Framework Key Questions:
1A. How are the foundations for change being laid?
1B. How are enabling conditions being created and evolved?

  • Hands Up Mallee's localised Data Hub uses the Seer platform. It is structured under our organising framework of the ARACY Nest domains plus a general demographic page. It consists of publicly available data and will continue to evolve over time as access to relevant, localised data increases.

    Access the Data Hub.




The reports in this section link to the following SPSP Reporting Framework Key Questions:
1A. How are the foundations for change being laid?
1B. How are enabling conditions being created and evolved?
2. What are the early instances of impact of your initiative?
3. Has your initiative contributed to any cumulative impacts?
4. What systemic changes are you seeing within your community?

  • This report outlines the findings from the journey mapping exercise with the Collaborative Governance Group in July 2023.

    Read the report here

  • From January to June 2022 a number of community members and Hands Up Mallee partners worked on co-designing a new approach to governance, facilitated by The Australian Center for Social Innovation.

    The outcomes of that work was documented in a report which detailed the proposed model for collaborative governance, and guidance on how to test and improve the model over time.

    Read the report here

  • The Charter outlines the roles, responsibilities, authorities, and behaviour of the Hands Up Mallee Collaborative Governance Group. This charter is a living document and will be reviewed annually and updated to reflect any changes in practice as agreed by the group.

    Read the charter here.

  • This is a summary of the early reflections and learnings from the first two phases of the Yarning Group, Hands Up Mallee's Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural leadership group.

    Read about their reflections.

  • In October 2023, the Hands Up Mallee Yarning Group planned and guided a cultural learning experience on country. The purpose was to deepen cultural understanding as well as strengthen connections across the Hands Up Mallee initiative.

    Read the report here

  • The Ethics, Privacy and Safety Framework guides how Hands Up Mallee and all its functions have agreed to work.

    Read the framework here


ChangeFest 2024 Mildura

The reports in this section link to the following SPSP Reporting Framework Key Questions:
1A. How are the foundations for change being laid?
1B. How are enabling conditions being created and evolved?
2. What are the early instances of impact of your initiative?
3. Has your initiative contributed to any cumulative impacts?
4. What systemic changes are you seeing within your community?
5. What systemic changes are you seeing beyond your community?

  • ChangeFest 2024 Mildura external evaluation report.

    Read the report here

  • A summary report of ChangeFest 2024 Mildura.

    The webpage shows the footage and images from the event.


Previous Reporting

  • Annual Reporting 2022/23 Page

  • Annual Reporting 2021/22 Page