ChangeFest is looking for a local piece of artwork that will give the 2024 ChangeFest event a strong local identity.
We are seeking Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander artist/s who live in and have a strong connection to our Sunraysia community.
To create* a piece of art that:
Reflects our place
Celebrates our community’s identity and connection
Represents our children, young people and families
to download the Expression of Interest, and learn more about ChangeFest, art requirements, and how your work will be used, click on the image or button below.
*Art can be an original piece created for ChangeFest 2024 or an existing work by the submitting artist that is not already under license elsewhere.
ChangeFest 2024 Artwork Timeline
If you need further information or help filling out the Expression of Interest form…
Rachel Drummond OR Catherine Thompson
rdrummond@schs.com.au cthompson@schs.com.au
or call 50217671
Alternatively you can submit your query via the contact form, and Rachel or Catherine will get back to you as soon as possible.