CRITERION 1 - Details of your proposed Stronger Places, Stronger People (SPSP) grant activity

1.1 Describe how your activity is linked to the objectives of the SPSP model

Attachment 1 Community Aspiration and approach principles (Graphic)

Attachment 2 Community Endorsed Strategy Plan-on-a-Page

Attachment 3 Community Strategy and Measurement Indicators (Final Draft - currently out for final review and comment. Due for endorsement at March Collaborative Governance Group and Yarning Group meetings)

Attachment 4 Current Strategic Plan (in the process of being updated)

Attachment 5 HUM Progress Mapping Report 2023

Attachment 6 HUM Learning Circle Report 2023

Attachment 7 Action and Support Plan 2024

1.2 Describe how you will ensure your activity is community-led and accurately reflects community need and aspirations

Attachment 8 Community Conversation Toolkit

Attachment 9 Community Conversation Results and Analysis

Attachment 10 Voices of Children Report

Attachment 11 Voices of Young People Report

Attachment 12 Family Discovery Sessions – What we found (A-D)

Attachment 13 Collaborative Governance Group Charter

Attachment 14 Aboriginal Yarning Group Charter

Attachment 15 Family and Child Hub Co-design Report

Attachment 16 HUM Data Hub

1.3 Outline relevant partnerships and relationships, either existing or under establishment, that support and enable the implementation of collective impact.

No supporting attachments

1.4 Outline who will benefit from and the intended outcomes, with specific reference to First Nations Australians and other diverse population groups.

No supporting attachments

Criterion 2 - Organisational capacity/governance

Outline your organisation's capacity to carefully and responsibly administer the funding.

2.1 Describe your organisation’s prior experience in managing similar funding arrangements in the past, including the current capacity and capability to deliver the functions of a backbone team (this may include through auspice arrangements).

No supporting attachments

2.2 Outline for how long the community-led initiative has been underway, and for how long it has been supported by a team of staff (or backbone team).

No supporting attachments

2.3 Describe the governance mechanisms in place to oversee the grant and implementation of the community-led initiative

Attachment 13 Collaborative Governance Group Charter

Attachment 14 Aboriginal Yarning Group Charter

2.4 Describe how your organisation will manage conflicts of interest when administering funding.

Attachment 17 Mildura Rural City Council Conflict of Interest Policy

Attachment 18 Mildura Rural City Council Procurement Policy

Criterion 3 - Shared Decision-Making and Local Solutions Funding

3.1 Outline evidence of an established and community-endorsed strategy or agenda for change

Attachment 1 Community Aspiration and approach principles (Graphic)

Attachment 2 Community Endorsed Strategy Plan-on-a-Page

Attachment 3 Community Strategy and Measurement Indicators (Final Draft - currently out for final review and comment. Due for endorsement at March Collaborative Governance Group and Yarning Group meetings)

Attachment 4 Current Strategic Plan (in the process of being updated)

Attachment 5 HUM Progress Mapping Report 2023

Attachment 6 HUM Learning Circle Report 2023

Attachment 7 Action and Support Plan 2024

Attachment 19 Specifications document for Strategic Planning Support (currently underway)

3.2 Describe the effective local leadership and governance mechanisms that are in place to support the enhanced approach.

Attachment 13 Collaborative Governance Group Charter

Attachment 14 Aboriginal Yarning Group Charter

Attachment 20 Tender Specification - NextGen Community Connect Local Solutions Funding

3.3 Describe the organisation’s data, measurement and evaluation capability

Attachment 16 HUM Data Hub

Attachment 21 HUM Understanding, Measurement and Evaluation (UMEL) Framework

Attachment 21A HUM Understanding, Measurement and Evaluation (UMEL) Framework SIMNA Award

Attachment 22 HUM Theory of Change

Attachment 23 HUM Nested MEL 0-8 Years

Attachment 24 HUM Nested MEL 9-18 Years

Attachment 25 HUM Mid-Term Evaluation Report (Including Annexes A-E)

Attachment 26 Tender Specification – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander data sovereignty (currently underway)

Attachment 27 Victorian State Government Data Sharing Pilot Report

Attachment 28 Ethics, Privacy and Safety Framework

3.4 Describe how the initiative is demonstrating community agency, beyond community engagement

Attachment 10 Voices of Children Report

Attachment 11 Voices of Young People Report

Attachment 13 Collaborative Governance Group Charter

Attachment 14 Aboriginal Yarning Group Charter

Attachment 15 Family and Child Hub Co-design report

Attachment 29 HUM Collaborative Governance Group Reflective Report

Attachment 30 Aboriginal Yarning Group Reflective Report

Attachment 31 Red Cliffs Pool Pilot Report 22-23

Attachment 31A Pool Access Pilot Report 23-24

3.5 Describe the established partnerships that will enable and support the enhanced approach

Attachment 32 A systems level collaboration to improve early support for families and children